Monday, 26 February 2024



The snowdrops show with heads like snow
from warming soil where they once did sleep
From peaceful rest awakened now
Their gentle heads in the sun will bow
Or the daffodil with their petal frill
from the shadow of trees will peep
Their trumpets announce though not to ear
That spring is finally here
Rejoyce now trees swaying in the breeze
Stayed in your place with roots running deep
That the swelling of your buds will be brief
Soon your heads will be crowned with leaf
All nature rejoyce giving gladful voice
When awakening over you did creep
Gone now at last is the winter chill
Sing now you valleys and every hill
Stirs not your heart when God at the start
Give new life to make it leap
In abundant joy when you released it to Him
From a life of coldness grim
Whatever the season there is no reason
To doubt the He won't keep
Your precious soul until at the last
He brings you home to His Heaven vast



Two auld cows were lying in the grass
Chewing the cud and letting wind pass
Says one to the other,you know Daisy my friend
This clapping and pooing has to come to an end
They say every time we spread a wee pat
We are putting methane in the air, what do you think of that
They say we are going to have to wear nappies
This idea came from some scientific chappies
Some say we are not allowed to urine down a slope
When we graze on these hills we haven't got a hope
Aye, said Daisy I heard that too
We are warming up the world every time we poo
Every time we burp and belch while grazing the grass
We simply are letting out far too much gas
You and me Buttercup are creating a disaster
Every time we go the earth is heating up faster
Those humans are worried crying and bleating
The world will be gone with this over heating
Ach, says Buttercup do they never read the good Book
In the Bible itself do they not bother to look
For the Lord has promised in what it does say
Seed time and harvest will never pass away
He has set in the heavens His beautiful bow
The world wont flood again and this is so
But this fact seems to evade these smart men
Jesus to this world is coming back again
It will still be here when He comes the second time
No matter what they say about the earth's clime
They had better wake up and not worry about the earth
There is a hotter place to go if they have not the new birth
God is in control, new heavens and earth will arrange
So worry about your souls and not climate change


Oh the peace oh the joy
oh the happiness in my soul
the Lord came in, saved from sin
now my life He has made whole
Want to shout it, may I sing it
wanting now to give it voice
my total glee, Jesus saving me
let my words flow as I rejoyce
Thank you Lord, thank you so
thank you for your work of grace
I only know and this is so
in you I have a resting place
Give you thanks, give You praise
of salvation I want to tell
how it came in your name
now with my soul all is well
You are mine I am yours
for eternity that will never cease
washed in the blood, that crimson flood
such total joy and oh the peace


No innocent kiss but paid with silver
Betrayed my Saviour that dreadful night
After He had prayed with sweats of blood
The way of the cross now in His sight
Meek as a lamb they led Him away
Judas the traitor's work was done
Now all the forces of darkness
Were ready to attack God's only Son
For a mockery of a trial awaited Him
Then the scourge of a Roman whip
When they bared up His bent back
Tore it to ribbons strip by strip
Can you feel that awful pain
As the lash ripped of His flesh
Bone was bared in the whipping
As the soldiers continued to thresh
Remember how Peter betrayed him
How Pontious Pilate washed his hands
When he give in to the baying crowd
To their hateful “crucify him” demands
A wicked thief they would have released
They did not care for this innocent Man
Crucify Him now, spill His blood
To have Him dead was their wicked plan
A crown of thorns placed on His head
Thick spittals ran down His lovely face
A slow walk up a steep hill side
Calvary's summit was His dying place
How He heard the hostile crowd
Mocking Him along with taunts and jeers
Words of hatred spewed from their lips
With oaths and curses and nasty sneers
Now swings low the hammer blows
Driving through His flesh each iron nail
Now He is lifted high on His cross
While the crowd continued to mock and rail
He saved others let Him come down
But my Saviour stayed in His place
For love held Him there to the wood
As He suffered for the human race
Darkness fell, day was as night
God was punishing now His son
It was for my sins, your sins,He took it all
For nothing wrong had my Saviour done
Imagine that blackness over the earth
Imagine the day turning into the night
So a dying Saviour on the cross
Could bring sinners from darkness into light
What suffering what pain He bore it all
Drunk the wrath from His Father's cup
But God was sastisfied with His sacrifice
When on that cross He was lifted up
Then He cried, It is finished
Wonderful words just these three
The plan of redemption now complete
As Jesus died on that tree
We know that death could not Him hold
For He arose from the depth of the grave
Now He reigns there in the highest
Waiting and so willing for sinners to save
Consider Him sinner consider how He died
Consider the love He has for your soul
Consider all the agony He went through
Consider Him broken just to make you whole
Then consider if you reject this Saviour now
Dare you die in the blackness of your sin
Dare to take a chance but in eternity to be lost
Because to your heart you wouldn't let Him in



Final sleep only opens up a door
While it firmly closes one behind
No turning back to the life you knew
Now a different one you'll find
What's through this door is decided
By the decisions you made on earth
Whether you rejected saving grace
Or embraced God's new birth
See the door now open up to you
Beyond it is there a shinning light
Is there a golden street ahead of you
Are you heading towards a mansion bright
Can you hear the choirs of angels
Are you meeting Jesus face to face
Are you lying on His breast in comfort
Held firmly in His warm embrace
Can you hear His well done
As He wipes every teardrop away
Come my child enter into your rest
You are in my home to stay
Or have you walked through the door
Only darkness meets your eyes
The tormenting flames are leaping
In that place where the worm never dies
Do you hear the wails of anguish
The gnashing of many teeth
Do you hear the screams of terror
In the bottomless pit with not beneath
Oh that door is coming near
Every moment towards it you creep
Make that decision for your soul
Before you fall into final sleep

Tuesday, 20 February 2024


Must we go on a bed of roses

Scented with perfume to our noses
In gentle slumber our quiet repose
Why otherwise should we suppose

We'd go to heaven but in comfort

No need for us to resort
To put on armour and the sword
Then fight for God and His word

Why others did all the toil

Burned in flames and boiled in oil
Torn to pieces in lion's den
No need to go through all that again

No need to hide in cave or den

Keep quiet our faith from evil men
Why risk the pain of a lashing whip
When we can avoid all hardship

A sleeping people at our ease

Can't even be bothered to get on our knees
To a church might go along
Hear a little sermon and a heavenly song

We have freedom we have peace

But our love for God does not increase
Because the bed we are floating on
Is full of roses and strife is gone

Maybe some day in our land

We will feel the tyrants hand
Then we will know our faith is tried
Like others knew who bled and died

Thank God you have that bed of slumber

That of the martyrs you will not number
But here I give my final thought
How hard for the faith have you fought


Monday, 19 February 2024









I know about fish fingers
They are a tasty bite to eat
You can have them with bread and butter
It all goes down a treat
Have them with chips if you want
The taste it surely lingers
There is nothing fishy about them
You can always count on fingers
But fish legs are another thing
Can you order them in two's or threes
Do they come with a full leg
Complete with knobbly knees
I can imagine some old trout
With fishnet stockings on
Walking down the road
It's something to think upon
Professor Moore of intellect
Versed in fishy things
Says he has them boneless
Along with chicken wings
I mind frying eels
They wriggled as they fried
I wonder if fish legs do the same
But them I've never tried
They say they come from an octupus
But is it really a fish
Don't care one way or the other
I wouldn't have it on my dish
Do the legs come with a foot
More information if you please
And if it was on my supper plate
Would it play football with my peas
Now I have just googled
Don't want to seem a cod
But have just learned it's not a fish
It's a great big cephalopod
It's legs are really arms
I counted they had but eight
I don't really care about that
It still wont be on my plate
There are soles that are fish you know
Maybe they have big feet
Fingers legs or arms
They all seem good to eat
None would be out of plaice
Boiled in a saucepan with a lid
They don't really cost too much
You would get them for a few squid
Now all this talk of fish
Has made me think of One
Who called to Himself some fishermen
To follow Him God's Son
He said He would make them fishers of men
Take scales from blinded eyes
Open up the ears of sinners
Free them from the devil's lies
As He tasked them to preach His Gospel
Like all His followers should do
We all have a net to cast
He made fishermen of me and you
To carry on this theme I have started
If we are successful in our task
We will have a harvest of souls in Heaven
If we obey what Jesus did as


I need to take your hand o Lord
To walk in nature's wonder
To satisfy my artist heart
In the scenery that you paint
Here there and yonder
The blueness of the sky above
The clouds that dance along
The hills that kiss them
And the valleys spread
Give my heart a song
The verdant green how you mix
The colour for the grass
Of spread out field
And leaf of tree
Your brushwork is first class
Dip your paintbrush in green and blue
Spread it on the ocean wide
The yellow tinted haze
Of beach and sand
That is rolled over with the tide
I need to take your hand o Lord
To walk among the flowers
To satisfy my gardener's heart
In the hedgerows of the country
Or the daisy strewn fields
In them let me spend my hours
The lily of the valley
The pink and purple rose
The beauty of each petal
Of some lowly buttercup
Smiling at my toes
I need to take your hand o Lord
To walk in melody sweet
To satisfy my musicians heart
In the love song of a bird
Or bees with gentle hum
And the little cricket chirping at my feet
Listen to the running water
That babbles in a stream
Gurgling over stones
There on its primrose sides
I could lie in pleasant dream
I need to take your hand o Lord
For with no other I would stroll
To satisfy my every need
Down life's road you are the one
Who brings all the joys to my life
And everything that fills my soul