Monday, 10 August 2009


Cooling breath of a whispered wind
That kisses the beaded brow
Of sweated effort in strenuous task
That a man who labours now

Knows its cooling and is so glad
To have it touch his face
A reprieve from the heat that stifles him
And surrounds him in his place

Of solemn toil and honest work
That causes him to perspire
To lift again his spirits high
When his body would begin to tire

How then of saints who work and toil
To sow and reap the sin field sod
Who are refreshed to labour on
When kissed by the breath of God

Weary ones who work so hard
Who tire in the labour field
Know that refreshing whispered wind
When wearied bodies would yield

Then labour on in what you do
Sow or reap when wheat heads nod
Faint not for you will be refreshed
When kissed by the breath of God

Colin Moffett