Wednesday 18 November 2015


Where did I say in my word
Celebrate my lowly birth
Decorate your homes with Christmas trees
Have parties full of mirth

When did I ever tell you
To replace me with another
I know you call him Santa Claus
You can speak his name no bother

Take you children to see him
Promise them gifts galore
If they are very good
They will have what they want and more

No wonder you put a great big X
Where my name should be
Or even call it a holiday
For you dare not mention me

O yes I came in lowly birth
My angels announced it to a few
But if I had not come to die
My birth was no good to you

If I had not shed my precious blood
But had lived then returned to whence I came
A babe, a child then a man not dying
There would be no salvation in my name

But I never told you to remember me
Lying in a bed of straw
But to remember my awful death
When I fulfilled God's holy law

I give you bread to break
To remember my body broken
And ruby red wine to drink
To remember my blood, a token

Yet you would rather remember me
In a lowly stable stall
Or even worse than that
Replace me with Santa Claus and not remember me at all!

Colin Moffett

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