Thursday 24 October 2013


After Winter drear; with joyous cheer
The snowdrops welcome Spring
And sun kissed earth gives new birth
A bounty it will bring

Of fresh green blade; on hill and glade
And leaves that will adorn
The lofty tree; and oh what glee
Of skipping lambs new born

Oh welcome spring the birds they sing
And daffodils nod their heads
From winter sleep, the hedgehogs peep
From hibernation beds

The blackbird song; all day long
The merry busy bee
The chorus dawn; the frog laid spawn
And the bloom decked cherry tree

Spring days please; but they will cease
Then into Summer days
And night time breeze; our bodies ease
The heat from sun scorched rays

Its picnic teas; beneath oak trees
And day trips to the coast
To bathe is grand; lie on the sand
And let our bodies roast

Spend happy hours viewing garden flowers
As we walk the lawn mowed grass
Happy days we spend; there seems no end
But summertime will pass

Into Autumn mist; it will persist
Along a riverside
Then lofty tree its leaves will free
And on the breezes ride

These coloured gems on loosened stems
Will carpet the woodland floor
When frost adorns the chilling morns
It opens Winters door

To deep piled snow and faces aglow
And frolics on the sleigh
Or by fireside we would abide
To keep chill blast at bay

I give reasons that four seasons
Are like our life stages
Spring of birth and Summer youth
And Autumn of later ages

And Winter clime is last of time
We are headed towards the grave
The setting sun; life’s race is run
Are all our souls then save?

The season of grace will run its race
So come while it is day
Young or old; you now are told
That eternity is a breath away

To be lost; please count the cost
Of rejecting Gods Son of grace
When seasons of four will be no more
And God in judgement you will face

Come now in season; there is no reason
In sin you still will roam
Get saved today while you may
And Heaven will be eternal home

Colin Moffett

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