Thursday, 11 June 2009


Oh the fast and running river
Its waters flowing ever
Easily it powers itself along
I will leave the waterside
Plunge into its rushing tide
To be carried by its currents flowing strong

I have hiked the rough terrain
My weary feet are sore with pain
Trying with my efforts to reach where I am going
But all I know what matters
That God’s fast flowing waters
Will carry me along in their ever flowing

He sends the river running by
From His mountain top on high
It is the power of God streaming from above
There is strength in its surging
Its waters to me are urging
Plunge in and be carried along by His love

I do not have to swim
Its flowing will carry me home to Him
When its waters will reach the crystal sea
Carry me along oh river
You are the stream of life forever
And your destiny will be eternal rest for me

Colin Moffett

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