I know about fish fingers
They are a tasty bite to eat
You can have them with bread and butter
Have them with chips if you want
The taste it surely lingers
There is nothing fishy about them
You can always count on fingers
But fish legs are another thing
Can you order them in two's or threes
Do they come with a full leg
Complete with knobbly knees
I can imagine some old trout
With fishnet stockings on
Walking down the road
It's something to think upon
Professor Moore of intellect
Versed in fishy things
Says he has them boneless
Along with chicken wings
I mind frying eels
They wriggled as they fried
I wonder if fish legs do the same
But them I've never tried
They say they come from an octupus
But is it really a fish
Don't care one way or the other
I wouldn't have it on my dish
Do the legs come with a foot
More information if you please
And if it was on my supper plate
Would it play football with my peas
Now I have just googled
Don't want to seem a cod
But have just learned it's not a fish
It's a great big cephalopod
It's legs are really arms
I counted they had but eight
I don't really care about that
It still wont be on my plate
There are soles that are fish you know
Maybe they have big feet
Fingers legs or arms
They all seem good to eat
None would be out of plaice
Boiled in a saucepan with a lid
They don't really cost too much
You would get them for a few squid
Now all this talk of fish
Has made me think of One
Who called to Himself some fishermen
To follow Him God's Son
He said He would make them fishers of men
Take scales from blinded eyes
Open up the ears of sinners
Free them from the devil's lies
As He tasked them to preach His Gospel
Like all His followers should do
We all have a net to cast
He made fishermen of me and you
To carry on this theme I have started
If we are successful in our task
We will have a harvest of souls in Heaven
If we obey what Jesus did as
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